致;zhì;Verb, to cause Short for 导致
男子 nánzǐ Noun, male; guy; man Anonym 女子
装;zhuāng;Verb, to stuff; to fill 满;mǎn;Adj, full
上海ShànghǎiChinese metropolitan city, Shanghai
山东 Shāndōng Place name, Shandong Province
两只老虎 两只老虎,两只老虎, 跑得快,跑得快, 一只没有耳朵, 一只没有尾巴, 真奇怪!真奇怪! 两只老虎,两只老虎, 跑得快,跑得快, 一只没有耳朵, 一只没有尾巴, 真奇怪!真奇怪! 汉字,拼音,词性,意思 两;liǎng; Numberal; Two 只;zhī; Measure word 老虎;lǎo hǔ; Noun; Tiger 跑;Pǎo; Verb; Run 快;Kuài; Adj; Fast 耳朵;Ěrduo; Noun; Ear 尾巴;Wěiba; Noun; Tail 真;Zhēn; Adv; Really 奇怪;Qíguài; Adj; Weird —选自https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%B8%A4%E5%8F%AA%E8%80%81%E8%99%8E/2931998
一男子去买车 需要 10万元
我有一只小毛驴我从来也不骑 有一天我心血来潮骑着去赶集
Henrik Fon
The synergy between the two hosts is amazing, which creates a good and fun learning environment.
Eric M.
I have to say your podcast is pure gold. I listen to it every day, whether on the train, in the car, walking downtown from the train or even while laying in bed going to sleep.
Jason T.
LCTS is so unique because it is aimed at an audience who know enough Chinese to understand a podcast narrated entirely in Chinese in sophisticated themes.