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Word meaning


装;zhuāng;Verb, to stuff; to fill

满;mǎn;Adj, full

海鲜;hǎixiān;noun, seafood 

馅;xiàn;Noun, filling(s)
In northern China, people say 馅儿

重庆;Chóngqìng;City name, Chongqing 

直径;zhíjìng;Noun, diameter
米;mǐ;Noun, meter 

月饼;yuèbǐng;Noun, mooncake, traditional Chinese food for the Mid-Autumn’s Day

王;wáng;Noun, king

标价;biāojià;Verb, the price is marked at…

千;qiān;Noun, thousand

百;bǎi;Noun, hundred

元;yuán;Noun, yuan;RMB