The other day, I read the poem’My Father’s Back’ by Edward Hirsch. It reminded me of 《背影》-The sight of father’s back> by Zhu Ziqing, the most widely known prose describing
the relationship between a father and son.
The other day, I read the poem’My Father’s Back’ by Edward Hirsch. It reminded me of 《背影》-The sight of father’s back> by Zhu Ziqing, the most widely known prose describing
the relationship between a father and son.
The original story of how Mulan disguises herself as a male warrior in order to save her father from being drafted to the army, from which Disney produced the movie Mulan.
Millions of students across China sit the “gaokao” every June, which decides which university they will go to. How do students cope with the most important exam in their life ?
深圳市 宝安区观澜镇蚌岭村,大小工厂 星罗棋布,随之而来的是大量的外来 廉价 劳动力。
2016-11-04 14:50 作者:糊糊大人 来源:三联生活周刊 外公从不关心人,从不理会自己之外的世界。他活在那个女孩美丽的笑容里,于是整个世界也笑了。 我曾经对人说,我喜欢老人。这是真的。人有了年纪,就有了智慧,能看透一般人无法了解的状态。老了会变得谦逊,得失也能看到另一个角度了。他们不是退化跟不上时代了,其实是进化了。我们常自作聪明。
Henrik Fon
The synergy between the two hosts is amazing, which creates a good and fun learning environment.
Eric M.
I have to say your podcast is pure gold. I listen to it every day, whether on the train, in the car, walking downtown from the train or even while laying in bed going to sleep.
Jason T.
LCTS is so unique because it is aimed at an audience who know enough Chinese to understand a podcast narrated entirely in Chinese in sophisticated themes.