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Word meaning
Image by Petra Blahoutová from Pixaba
Image by Kasper Lau from Pixabay

有一天,阳光 暖暖的,风儿轻轻的,一只可爱的小羊来到河边喝水。 
狼非常想吃小羊,就故意 找碴儿,说:“你把我喝的水弄脏了! 你安的什么心?” 




狼不想再争辩了,龇着牙,逼近小羊,大声嚷道:“你这个小坏蛋! 说我坏话的不是你,就是你爸爸,反正都一样。”说着就往小羊身上扑去。

阳光 yángguāng Noun,sunshine 

暖 nuǎn Adj, warm “adj+adj” , which is also named as “AA”, is used in descriptions. It is commonly seen in written language. 

轻 qīng Adj, light; gentle 

河边 hé biān Noun, riverside 

故意 gùyì Adverb, on purpose; purposefully 近义词(synonym):特意,有意 

找碴儿 zhǎo chár Verb, the same “找茬儿” 是一样的 

弄 nòng Verb, to conduct some action and this action usually leads to some consequences 他把手机弄坏了: He broke the cellphone 
把我手弄疼了.: (someone) did something and it hurt my hands 
把家弄脏了:(someone) did something and it made the house dirty 
把电脑弄好了:(someone) fixed the computer 
*In some regions of China, especially the south, people often use “搞” instead. 

脏 zàng Adj, dirty; filthy 

……安的什么心? …… ān dì shénme xīn? Verb phrase, usually used in questions, “what is your (evil) intention?”
成语“居心不良”: to harbour hostile intentions 

吃惊 chījīng Verb, to feel/be/get surprised
吃了一惊: to get surprised 
吓了一跳: to get freaked out 
Those two are set phrases. 

温和 wēnhé 
Adj, gentle and soft-spoken 

上游 shàngyóu Noun, upper river 

流 liú Verb, to flow 

气冲冲 ì chōngchōng Adj;adv, angry; angrily
……冲冲: ……的样子 

This kind of patterns are usually used in descriptions and they are commonly seen in written language. 

坏家伙 huài jiāhuo Noun, bastard 好家伙:oh my gosh 

(在)背地里 (zài) bèidì lǐ Noun phrase, (behind) one’s back 
在背后 is the alternative way to say “behind one’s back 

坏话 huàihuà Noun, malicious remarks 

喊 hǎn Verb, to shout; to yell 

(说,喊,叫,嚷)道 (Shuō, hǎn, jiào, rǎng) dào Verb, to say (it precedes quotations from speakers) 常言道:“姜还是老的辣”。 

争辩 zhēngbiàn Verb, to argue 

龇 zī Verb, to to grind one’s teeth together 

逼近 bījìn Verb, to approach someone in purpose of attack 

嚷 rǎng Verb, to yell 

坏蛋 huàidàn Noun,bad guy 

反正 fǎnzhèng Adv, regardless 

扑(向…) pū (xiàng…) Verb, to throw oneself to… 向…扑过去 