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Word meaning


小伙伴;xiǎo huǒbàn;Noun, companies (that one hang out with)

春游;chūnyóu;Noun, spring outin  秋游,冬游

午餐;wǔcān;Noun, lunch  Or 午饭



一旁;yì páng;Noun, one side; away from the majority of the people   Or 一边

站在一旁,stand alone

背包;bèibāo;Noun, backpack  书包,book pack

丢;diū;Verb, to lose   把背包丢了。Lost the backpack.

面包;miànbāo;Noun, bread

矿泉水;kuàngquán shuǐ;Noun, mineral water

大口;dàkǒu;Adv, mouth wide open so one can eat/drink more

大口吃饭,to eat with big bites

大口喝水,to drink with the mouth open wide

糟糕;zāogāo;Adj, terrible; awful

粗心;cūxīn;Adj, careless

小声;xiǎoshēng (in ) a low voice   It can be used as an adjective or an adverb

小声点儿! Be quiet! 小声说话,to talk in a low voice.

低下;dīxià;Verb, to lower (one’s head)  低下头

大概;dàgài;Adv, probably    Or 有可能

以后;yǐhòu; In the future; from now on    以前, before

保管;bǎoguǎn; Verb, to take care of (one’s belongings); to keep an eye on one’s objects

请保管好自己的财物。Please take good care of your money and belongings.


跟前;gēnqián;Noun, an area/place that is very close

他来到我跟前,he came to me.

他家就在跟前。His house is nearby.

夹;jiā;Verb, to sandwich

黄油;huángyóu;Noun, butter

掰;bāi;Verb, to separate/divide with two hands pulling to two opposite directions

半;bàn;Noun, half

赶快;gǎnkuài;Adv, quickly; hurry