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Word meaning

井 jǐng,noun, a well

观guān, verb, to watch

青蛙qīngwā, noun, frog

落luò, verb, to land

沿(儿)yán‘er, noun, brim

回答huídá, verb, to respond

里lǐ, noun, 1里 equals 500 metres

渴kě, adj, thirsty

点diǎn, noun, a little amount

说大话 shuō dàhuà, to brag; or 吹牛

不过búguò, adv, only

井口jǐngkǒu, noun phrase, wellhead

弄nòng, verb, to conduct an action

错cuò, adj, wrong

无边无际wúbiān wújì, chengyu, boundless

……得很……de hěn, very+adjective

抬头táitóu, verb phrase, to look up

信xìn, verb, to believe

​ 跳tiào, verb, to jump