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Word meaning


袋: dài: [a] bag, [measure word] bagful of
背: bèi: back [part of body]
麦子: màizi: wheat
磨房: mòfáng: mill
松鼠: sōngshǔ: squirrel
浅: qiǎn: shallow
甩尾巴: shuǎi wěibā: wag tail
甩: shuǎi: to move back and forth
驴: lǘ: donkey
驮: tuó: to carry on the back
柴: chái: firewood
冲走: chōngzǒu: to wash away, to flush away
仔细: zǐxì: carefully
比一比: bǐ yī bǐ: to make a comparison
齐: qí: to be level with
膝盖: xīgài: knee
快活: kuàihuó: happy
瞪: dèng: to stare
扑通: pūtōng: [onomatopoeia] sound of something heavy dropping into water, plop