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Word meaning

楚国; Chǔ guó; noun; the state of Chu (1115BC —223 BC)

祭祀;jìsì; noun; the worship of ancestors

官员;guānyuán; noun; government officials

手下;shǒuxià; noun; subordinate

办事;bànshì; verb phrase; handle [run] affairs; work

壶;hú; noun; kettle/ pot

酒具;jiǔ jù; noun; drinkware

门客;ménkè; noun; a hanger-on of an aristocrat

互相;hùxiāng; adverb; mutual/ each other

商量;shāngliáng; verb; discuss

够;gòu; adjective; enough

剩余;shèngyú; noun; remainder

verb+成; chéng; complete doing something

饮;yǐn; verb; drink

能够;nénggòu; verb;be able to

添;tiān; verb; add

夺;duó; verb; take…away without permission

本来;běnlái; adverb; originally

于是;yúshì; conjunction word; as a result

最终;zuìzhōng; conjunction word; eventually

失掉;shīdiào; verb; lose