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Word meaning
Image by Gerrit Horstman

郑 Zhèng noun, name of a country in Chunqiu era

履 lǚ noun, ancient Chinese word for “shoe(s)”

先 xiān adverb, firstly

量 liáng verb, to measure

尺码 chǐmǎ noun, size (for shoes and tailoring of clothes)

忘记 wàngjì verb, to forget

急急忙忙 jíjímángmáng adverb/adjective, in a hurry

集市 jíshì noun, fair; marketplace

挑 tiāo verb, to pick up; to choose

中 zhòng verb, to finish choosing

发觉 fājué verb, to realize

便 biàn conjunction word, it is used to connect two action verbs; the second one takes place right after the first one

急匆匆 jícōngcōng adverb;adjective, in a hurry; hurry

赶 gǎn verb,to rush to…

散 sàn verb, to scatter; to end; to be dismissed

直接 zhíjiē adverb;adjective, directly; direct

试 shì verb, to try

振振有词 zhènzhènyǒucí chengyu, to argue with a great confidence

宁可……,也不…… nìngkě……, yě bù…… Conjunction phrase, would rather to do… than do…

相信 xiāngxìn, to believe; to trust